Advanced and Intermediate Riders

Advanced and Intermediate riders will find a high level of guest ranch horses that are accustomed to the terrain of this region. We have different levels of horses for different levels of riders. While it is hard to keep horses fine-tuned that are ridden every week by different riders at The Hideout using AH Horsemanship we try very hard to accomplish this.

When matching horses with riders and riders with horses, we keep in mind that our horses need to remain quality mounts throughout the season. Matching horses and riders is more than looking at just riding levels. It is equally important that the characters and temperament of horse and rider also align.
Riding Expectations
When riding out we consider the different levels of riders and their expectations. If you are an advanced rider and some members of your family, friends or partner are beginner or novice riders; we will make sure they have a great time. When riding together we will always adapt the level of riding to the least experienced rider to keep the ride safe and enjoyable.

Trotting and Loping…
To cover distance, trotting is the preferred gate at the ranch given this is the gate horses prefer. Trotting is also more safe given the terrain we ride in. Being able to trot and control your horse while trotting is key prior to loping or cantering. However we do lope during the intermediate and advanced rides One thing to bear in mind is that you are not riding at the beach or in flat country, but in high country on narrow trails, in the trees, through sagebrush and creeks.
When riding the open prairies, one needs to be very careful of prairie dog holes or holes made by other burrowing animals.
In addition to this it is important to bear in mind that the lowest elevation we ride is 4,200 feet in the valley. During the full day rides in summer and fall, we operate at elevations between 6,800 and 11,000 feet. Even the best horse will not lope very long at these elevations. During full day rides your mount needs to last 6 to 8 hours and furthermore, needs to remain sound and healthy throughout the season.
Having said that, our wranglers do know where there are safe areas to lope or go faster.
The main thing we are looking for is if the rider has his/her horse under control at all gates and rides with balance.