Riding at The Hideout
The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch is foremost a riding destination. This vacation is about horses, riding and horsemanship.
The combination of AH Horsemanship and access to approximately 650,000 very diverse acres and altitudes ranging from 4,200 to well above 11,000 feet makes horseback riding at The Hideout an exceptional but physically demanding experience. It is one of the reasons we have 130 horses for 25 riders.

We offer our guests a variety of riding options each day. This can be from 2.5 hours in the saddle up to and over 8 hours in the saddle. The Hideout is an ideal guest ranch for riders from novice level up to professional horsemen and women.
Riders need to be in good physical shape relative to their age. The riders also need to realize that some rides may be too challenging and trust our professionalism and experience to make that decision. Older riders will need to consider that although they were great riders or equestrians at young age, age takes its toll and they need to manage their expectations and limitations.

Setting you up for a great riding experience.
- At The Hideout we really care deeply that you have a great riding vacation. Being transparent is key to manage expectations and set you up for success.
- For our guests to realistically determine their riding level, we send each guest our Incoming Guest Questionnaire. The questions that are asked are height, weight, age, previous riding experience, and any health issues you may have. Please be realistic and honest.
- Our Guest Questionnaire is designed to get the best information possible to safely assign each rider a suitable horse and a well-fitting and comfortable saddle.
- We expect you to determine whether you are fit and healthy enough to enjoy an active riding-centered vacation. When determining riding ability, we strongly recommend you error on the conservative side and at all times be honest and realistic.
- We have a firm limit of 230 pounds for all riders. Please consider your BMI and Weight / Height Index. This might impact the kind of rides you can participate in.
- Honestly judging riding ability is extremely important as we have horses that are suitable for beginners all the way up to horses which are ridden by our wranglers and very advanced guests. If a person overestimates his / her riding ability it becomes a safety issue not only for you, but for all the other riders, our staff and our horses.
- We ride in the foothills and up into the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming. Our riding is done in hilly, and sometimes challenging and steep terrain.
- A riding vacation at The Hideout is not about just hopping on a horse. We treat our horses like employees and part of our team. Horses are not motorcycles, 4-wheelers or machines. They are very sensitive animals with different temperaments and personalities. Just like people. The most satisfying accomplishment to us is to find that special horse that matches the rider’s personality and riding level. We strive for that perfect harmony and unique bonding experience. That is magic. That is the very foundation of a fun, safe and memorable riding vacation. That is why we have 130 horses for only 25 riders weekly.
- We want guests to have a fun, safe and memorable riding vacation. We also want our guests to gain knowledge and learn more about riding and horsemanship during their visit.
- Many of our guests take riding vacations around the world to enjoy different horse cultures and riding styles. Fast beach rides, riding with wildlife in Africa or riding endurance races in Mongolia are very different from riding in a ranch environment. We do go on faster rides with riders who are in control. However, our rides are not about racing horses and only going fast. Our rides are longer, in often challenging terrain and at a variety of altitudes. We lope and trot, but we never run our horses flat-out.
- We operate in the United States, where specific rules apply in terms of safety and liability that are different from other countries. It is one of the reasons our riding and safety orientation is very detailed.
We are excited and honored you are considering a riding vacation with The Hideout. If you have questions about the requirements of a riding vacation at The Hideout or accurately judging your riding ability, please contact The Hideout office at 800-354-8637, 307-765-2080 or email info@thehideout.com.