Dedicated Natural Horsemanship Clinics & Training
Horsemanship Clinics at The Hideout during our normal guest season
During guest season (April to beginning November), we can organize half or full day horsemanship clinics as part of your experience at The Hideout. We typically need a minimum of 6 participants.
Off-Season horsemanship clinics at The Hideout
During our Off-Season, Winter, or Spring, ahead of our guest season, we usually organize dedicated horsemanship clinic weeks, limited to a small number of participants. As we only allow 6 to 8 participants to maximize the experience, there clinics typically book up fast. Most participants are so pleased with the clinic, they book again for the following season. Especially Marijn enjoys playing at Liberty with her horses.

Authentic Horsemanship

The Hideout is a riding guest ranch and an equestrian destination. Respectful horsemanship is at the core of our equestrian philosophy. This is what shapes and defines our riding and equestrian culture at The Hideout. It is the way in which we handle and respect our horses, the way we train our horses and the way we teach our guests about horsemanship and horses.
We call it Authentic Horsemanship. It is based on respect, low-stress, empathy, open-mindedness, and professionalism.
“Authentic Horsemanship is our brand of relationship-based horsemanship. We
communicate with our horses in a non-verbal way where we use pressure and
release to encourage our horses to respond. That’s how we establish trust
and connection through consistent leadership. We carry this approach of
kindness and encouragement throughout our whole organization – this is the
core of our hospitality culture.”