Novice Riders & Lessons
A guest ranch is usually not the place where you go to learn how to ride. However, more and more guests come to The Hideout to learn the basics of riding. Many guests want to come and learn how to ride because their partner, family members or friends are intermediate or advanced riders. A growing number of guests see this vacation as a great place to learn about horses, reconnect with horses and learn how handle horses. Some guests wish to improve their riding skills so they can continue riding with confidence once they are back home.
Having said The Hideout is not a clinic or training center, we are a guest ranch focused on riding and horsemanship.
The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch offers a fun and safe riding experience. Our safety program requires all children 14 years of age and under to wear riding helmets.

Advanced, Intermediate and Novice Riders
Almost weekly we see friends, families, or couples some of whom are novices, intermediate and advanced riders. We make sure they all have a great ranch vacation.
We have a string of horses that are bombproof and are the ideal beginner’s horses. During your stay at The Hideout, you will have the opportunity to experience different horses and not ride the same horse every day. This given the availability of multiple horses that suit your riding skills.

We offer riding lessons in very small groups and if possible, individually. They will work with you in the arena and will start by explaining how a horse thinks, reacts, and perceives things.
We make a difference between “understanding the horse” and “the technical ability to ride a horse”. Our wranglers can also give your pointers during trail rides.
Understanding the basics of horsemanship will make you feel more comfortable being on and around the horse. This will enhance the learning environment and riding experience. It also makes it much more fun.