Phew! It’s only April and we’ve hit the ground running.

On our third week of the 2012 guest season and already looking onward to the fourth, it’s becoming quite clear that there is no such thing as a “typical” week here at The Hideout. So far, our guests have taken lessons in the arena, seen fossilized dinosaur tracks, vaccinated and wrestled calves at a traditional ranch branding, ridden to the heights of Devil’s Leap, gathered a few hundred cows out on BLM land and next week’s guests are coming to The Hideout for our increasingly popular Authentic Horsemanship clinic week.

Guest Life at The Hideout: April Edition

What a good lookin’ group!

They have also enjoyed fine dining at The Hideout Lodge, gone trap shooting, caught a fish or two on the waters of Shell, lived the lives of cowboys during the day and lives of well-attended guests in the evening as they enjoyed wine, good company, a game of pool or two and a soft pillow at the end of it all.


Hey there, cowboy!

All things considered, the only thing that is “typical” here at The Hideout is a great, unparalleled experience that will provide you with memories for years to come (or at least until you return to make some more!) We are so happy to have made new friends already this season – while we will miss them greatly as the season goes on, we are thrilled to welcome more new and repeat guests to our Hideout home here in the beautiful Shell Valley as the season rolls onward.

Happy trails to you all!

-The Hideout Crew

DSCF0826pular Authentic Horsemanship clinic week.