Hello to our friends and guests,

Although the 2011-12 Wyoming winter was not as long as the previous one, like every other season we areeagerly looking forward to welcoming more of  our 2012 “early season”  Hideout Guests.

We work through the entire winter to ensure that we are ready for our guests, and let us be honest…we don’t see that many people living in a town of 83 souls on the West slope of the Big Horns (with the nearest sizable town dozens of miles away.) The route that traverses The Big Horn Mountains at 9,000 feet  is often closed for traffic due to snowfall, cutting us off from the Eastern side of the range.

A Note From Management


Needless to say, in addition to being eager to do what is imbedded in our deepest soul (pampering and taking care of guests and ensuring that they have a great vacation experience,) we are thrilled to have the opportunity to strike up new conversations, exchange experiences and exercise our speech again now that guests have started to regularly arrive here at The Hideout.

So far, the season is off to a great start and we have welcomed new and repeat visitors from both North America and Europe.

A Note From Management

Our 2012 seasonal staff is almost in place. We hired several of our seasonal staff well ahead of the season and invested in plenty of training and education to make sure they are great hosts for those vacationing with us at The Hideout! Just a few weeks ago, we  took these new hires on a day-long tour covering all landmarks from The Hideout to Cody and beyond, led by local expert guide, Bob Richard. Mr. Richard explained all interesting pit stops, covered the history of the area and gave us all valuable information to share with our guests, both new and returning.

Some of the Hideout Staff on a tour of the Big Horn Basin with Bob Richard

Today marks the beginning of another week, with guests of all riding experience and background joining us for a great Wyoming adventure. We couldn’t be more thrilled to be meeting another new batch of folks (and seeing old friends again) and listening to stories from their home towns and countries.What a great feeling it is to welcome them all to our small corner of paradise here in the Shell Valley and Big Horn Mountains.

Happy Trails and best to you all,

The Hideout Management