by PeterBlog | Jun 12, 2010 | The Hideout News
“Beep, Beep, Beep” – Alarm clocks are so awful but this morning I didn’t seem to mind the sound. I was looking forward to what the day would hold. Turns out it was going to be a cup-full-o-Joe kinda day! Upon arriving at the Arena we (Marijn,... by PeterBlog | Jun 11, 2010 | The Hideout News
Truck, hooked up and ready to go – Check. Dog – Check. Mustang – Double Check. Trainer, Excited yet Calm – Triple Check. Load up, Ft. Collins here we come! The Hideout entourage (Ramon, Maricella, their kids, Marijn, AJ & Deidre) headed... by PeterBlog | May 28, 2010 | The Hideout News
With the Extreme Mustang Challenge quickly approaching, Ramon has been working harder than ever with Castro. A portion of the competition involves correctly executing a reining pattern. This past week The Hideout was pleased to host Dominique Reynaud and Jean-Pierre... by PeterBlog | Apr 8, 2010 | The Hideout News
Well, the guest season has officially opened with sunshine! We have 3 little cowgirls and 1 little cowboy (along with their parents) partaking in some riding and cattle work this week. Whenever our guests partake in our Cowboy Adventure Week we like them to walk away,... by PeterBlog | Mar 25, 2010 | The Hideout News
Spring is underway at The Hideout, the weather has turned warmer, baby animals are in the fields and the grass is starting to turn green. As we prepare for the start of the guest season (April 4th) we thought we might remind you of the Hideout Referral Program. Over...