End of our 2024 Guest Season – Enjoy some pictures below
And what a season it was! This was any way possible one of our best seasons. Even considering we got flooded and had to deal with some birds of colorful feathers on the guest side. Which of course added to the excitement. More on that in my next blog. We sure did get some unexpected surprises around Halloween.
Closing Week
For our last week, baptized “Closing Week”, we could not have wished nicer guests. Almost all our guests were repeat guests. And all the new guests were guests, our repeat guests brought along.
In addition to last week, we had the honor of welcoming more Brazilian guests, who as their friends of last week were very nice guests. Most of them also have horse, farm and ranching business.
We welcome US, Canadian, German and South African repeat guests, with most of our guests being middle-aged, and two very nice enjoyable youngsters joining their parents.
The weather was perfect. The 20-mile Red Mountain Ride was a blast and during The Mustang Ride over a 100 Wild Horses circled the group.
See You Again Next Year Party
Last night we had our end-of-the-season goodbye party. This year it was more a “See you again next year Party” as most of this year’s Seasonal Crew will join us again last year. This is to the delight of ourselves, our core team and all our guests. During the season repeat guests spontaneously observed on a regular basis we usually have a great crew, but this year’s crew is special and probably the best crew they enjoyed at The Hideout. That is the Above Deck Observation, which matches altogether our Below Deck Observation operating The Hideout.
Boots on the ground – Assuring the future of The Hideout
Our son Victor is getting his feet more and more on the ground, coming up with great new ideas and suggestions. He is well appreciated by all our guests, and our repeat guests are off-the-chart that there is a next generation coming onboard to assure their favorite guest ranch will continue. His wife Maria and one-year old son Lorenzo join us for dinners on a regular basis. We are all learning a lot in terms of Parents and Children working together.
What else?
Melanie and Clair had a great Cowboy Pay Day, selling their calves at top rates.
This year we had more guests of The Hideout continue to visit us after moving to Wyoming and Colorado.
We could not have wished for better Fall Weather to end the season, and the snow came just in time to kill the big fires on the East Side of The Big Horn Mountains.
Dog Stores
Charlie the Dachshund only devoured two guests, one horse and one mountain lion this season. He is really calming down. Nina’s dog decided to check out the tires and undercarriage of the Game Warden’s pick-up truck driving by and was down for a long time. Despite losing some of his coat, after a ton of rehabilitation, he is up and running being his old little self again.
What about the horses?
All the ponies are doing well, looking forward to a relaxing Winter. We are going through our yearly horse list updates to determine how many new horses we need to source, how many horses we will sell, who needs more training in which area, who will retire in the coming years and much more.
Our newly added horses did well. And all projects / youngsters are coming along well. Marijn, Taylor, Nina and Molly are taking Colt Starting lessons from Mitch Shellhammer our correctional horseshoer and trainer. They are starting our 3-year-old colts born at The Hideout three years ago. We will have more horses in training with some of our other trainers.
Thank you for joining us. Come see us again.
Marijn & Peter on behalf of the entire Hideout Team!
Please enjoy some staff pictures below.
Amanda, Emma, Peter, Marijn, Melanie, Nina, Victor, Taylor, Clair, Molly, Sarah and Natalya

Casey, Erick, Phung-Nam, Guille, Suzanna and Hector

Marijn on Princess Buttercup, Peter on Mustang Django with Georgie Boy exploring a new ride.

Maria, Victor and Lorenzo