We are so excited to welcome our 2022 guests! The horses are in and settling, there is actually green grass on the property and mountains are trying to shed their coat of snow!

Calves are kicking up their heels with mamas following them, the guns are all cleaned and primed for trapshooting, the trucks and trailers are spotless and have completed all checkups. Two brand-new 2022 Chevy’s will join the fleet in the coming weeks. And Robbie is very busy chasing every car around The Hideout! Melanie is juggling to fit in the last remaining spots of our 2022 Season with 2023 gradually filling up also.

Riders, Start Your Engines


To the delight of many repeat guests, last year, our adventurous, resourceful wranglers found new trail rides for us, and we are happy to share these with our guests this season. With 650,000 acres of gorgeous, diverse terrain, we have lots of opportunities for new adventures! Marijn, Ramon, Nina, and Laura have been training and riding in all the guest horses. The barn crew has also been very busy training and riding an entire string of young horses which are all doing well. As we have a lot of young horses in training, 25 lease horses will join our team in May.

Marco, Ever, with a team of contractors have been very busy this Winter with construction and renovation projects, some of which our guests will notice and use, some at Trapper Creek Ranch (our sister ranch), and some in our beautiful town of Shell. As you drive into Shell, you will notice a new highway population sign, which went from a 2010 census of 83 to our 2020 census of 74!

Currently we are preparing all our fields to start irrigating.

We were also busy this winter hosting photographers for nearly a month at The Hideout and hope you have enjoyed the fruits of their labor on Facebook and Instagram! After the success of last year’s horsemanship clinics, Marijn and Ramon hosted another two weeks in March.

We have a core returning staff and are excited to be welcoming some new staff with fresh ideas and lots of energy over the next month.

We look forward to your next visit with us at The Hideout!