Imagine the thrill of loping through the wilds of Wyoming, wind whipping through your
hair, the majestic mountains stretching out in front of you. At The Hideout Lodge
& Guest Ranch
, true horse riding heaven awaits and can become your reality!

We get it; for avid and experienced horse riders and horse lovers, some horse riding and guest ranch vacations can mean very little relevant or unsatisfactory horse riding that leaves you feeling less than fulfilled and wondering why you left your horses at home in the first place…

Read on to find out what sets The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch, a truly dedicated horse-centric luxury guest ranch in Wyoming, apart from other horse riding ranches. Discover what it is that makes this guest ranch for horseback riders so unique and special.

Welcome to your ultimate guide to horse riding at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch!

A riding-focused guest ranch in Wyoming

Ranch vacations – specifically horse-centric ranch vacations – that take your personal equestrian needs, wants and expectations into consideration are an absolute game-changer. Especially if you’re looking for ranches for experienced riders.

Riders galloping across stunning Wyoming wilderness

Choosing a horse riding-centered guest ranch like The Hideout means that, no matter what riding level you are, you’re treated as an individual. And the horses you’ll ride on your ranch vacation to The Hideout are specifically matched to your ability, and your experience personally curated.

This horsemanship-focused Wyoming ranch is truly a horse-lover’s paradise. Offering a huge herd of well-loved steeds (100+ horses for 25 weekly guests), you can enjoy riding a few different horses over your week-long Wyoming ranch vacation.

A small-scale luxury guest ranch, The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch in Shell, Wyoming, pride themselves on offering a highly-personalized horseback riding experience.

The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch in Shell

Each evening during cocktail hour, owners Peter and Marijn De Cabooter, their son, or one of the wranglers will take the time to visit with you about your day and what you’d like to do/change for the next day’s horseback riding adventures. Now that’s attention to detail! 

What horse riding experience do I need for a ranch vacation?

The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch is the perfect guest ranch for novice horse riders, right up to those who are highly experienced – no stifling nose-to-tail rides here, friends!

And those traveling with mixed-level groups need not worry, as all levels of ability (and enthusiasm!) are catered for. These group rides are adapted to the riding level of the least experienced rider, however more experienced horse riders can join faster rides, too.

Group of happy female riders

Lastly, it’s the perfect horse riding vacation for girls getaways, as you can ride together, making for a superb bonding experience.

Meet life-long, horse-loving friends at The Hideout

The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch is a wonderfully diverse and open-minded place to enjoy guided horse riding in Wyoming.

European owners, Peter and Marijn, pride themselves on welcoming like-minded guests of all ages and backgrounds from around the globe; predominantly hailing from the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.

Your companions will be horsey folk from many walks of life: some will own horses and ride every day, some as often as they can, some will be sporting professionals and some will own or manage riding stables.

There are also plenty of riders who used to ride or own a horse and want to get back into riding in a safe, fun way, surrounded by caring professionals.

Many will have already experienced other all-inclusive horse riding guest ranches and are keen to experience a new Wyoming horse riding vacation, but for some, it’s their first time visiting a horse riding-centered guest ranch like The Hideout. A growing number of guests have also experienced other different types of horse riding vacations around the world.

You’ll also meet those taking a solo horse riding vacation – this welcoming Wyoming guest ranch is very popular with solo female travelers.

The Hideout, Wyoming is also an ideal ranch for people on a romantic couples horse riding vacation; for a mother and daughter horse riding vacation, and for those seeking family-friendly horse riding vacations.

Regarding ranch vacations for kids, The Hideout is mostly an adult-oriented guest ranch (i.e. there is no dedicated kids program, although they welcome families with older kids during summer).

People socializing together at the ranch

The rest of the season, guests are primarily adults looking for an escape to explore the scenic horse riding trails in Wyoming.

Most of the ranch’s guests are specifically seeking horse riding in Wyoming, Montana and Colorado at a small-scale, horse-centric guest ranch, with all the luxuries of an all-inclusive boutique ranch.

The Hideout ticks all these boxes and more, and whomever you meet at The Hideout is sure to be a horse-lover like you!

Horse riding at The Hideout: know before you go

Congratulations, now you’ve decided to take the plunge and book your ranch vacation to Wyoming!

Even before you’ve arrived, the team at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch begins the process of getting to know you – upon booking, you’ll receive a detailed questionnaire to fill out.

Marijn and the wranglers will pick a saddle that fits both you and your first horse based on this information, so be honest when answering, as it’s designed to make your experience riding at The Hideout the best it can possibly be.

Compared to some guest ranches in the U.S., this Wyoming ranch has a low weight limit of 230lb for riding. This is strictly enforced and wranglers will put negligible riders on a scale, refusing riders tipping the 230. This is only to ensure potential guests understand that The Hideout is serious about their horses’ welfare.

The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch recommends being in good physical shape to enjoy the varied, rugged and scenic horse riding trails in Wyoming. If you’re not already riding regularly, boost your confidence and riding fitness, and take some riding lessons prior to visiting. It’s not fun walking like John Wayne after day one, trust us!

Riders having tuition in a pen/arena

The first morning is orientation: how to ride and respect the horses. All repeat guests can go on a ride immediately and do not need re-testing. Each and every guest ranch is different, and even if you’ve been on many a ranch vacation before, don’t assume you know what’s what!

Also, horse riding at The Hideout is not the time to display gung-ho, over-confident behavior, no matter how skilled a rider you are. The ranch’s horses and your safety are their priority, and while fun is certainly encouraged, wreckless displays or disrespect to the horses or wranglers will not be tolerated.

What can I expect from horseback riding at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch?

You’ll enjoy guided horse riding tours in Wyoming consisting of half days and full days, and the ranch tries to customize the riding as much as possible to suit different riders and guests – within what is possible, safe and fun.

On the first afternoon, everybody’s split into groups for different rides, then it’s off on a wonderful half-day scenic trail ride across the valley. The perfect way to ease into your ranch vacation in Wyoming!

Riders in the distance – showcase the expanse of the wilderness

Scheduled rides usually start and return around the same times each day, and for longer rides or cattle work, you could leave earlier and come back later.

As the wranglers get to know you, the schedule can be adapted and customized; you won’t get a much more personalized riding vacation than this!

Riding hours can vary and there’s a lot of trotting. Half days up to two-and-a-half hours, some scenic trail rides up to four, full-day rides around five, but can go for seven hours or more! And the riding groups are delightfully small, too.

In terms of riding freedom, for competent riders, wranglers will entertain pushing comfort levels in a safe and respectful way.

Exploring the scenic horse riding trails of Wyoming’s Big Horn Mountains

Your horseback riding adventures in Wyoming will take you into some truly stunning, rugged and seldom-seen Wyoming wilderness.

Guests are thoroughly impressed, excited and astonished by the sheer variety of terrain, scenery and altitudes that horseback riding at The Hideout offers – it’s mind-blowing Wyoming trail riding at its finest!

The ranch really makes the most of their vast backyard in The Big Horn Mountains and Big Horn Basin, and mostly trailer the horses out, so you’ll experience a real variety of trailheads and even different microclimates at higher elevations.

Trail rides at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch

You’re spoilt for choice for half- and full-day rides at The Hideout, with over 20 different scenic trail rides varying from seven to 20+ miles.

On a half-day ride in the valley (around 4,200ft), you could experience almost anything in terms of scenery. From a desert ride with colorful, red, Mars-like rocks that resemble the Sedona area in Arizona; to canyons, creek crossings, steep cliffs and rocky outcrops.

 people and horses with views, vistas, canyons

Mosey along lush, green irrigated fields, in and out the majestic green cottonwoods, and spot the Indian Petroglyphs and teepee rings, vision points and some of the remains of the old guest ranch.

Let your trusty steed transport you along bluffs, through juniper forests, along narrow cornish trails into open meadows and absorb the – quite simply breathtaking – vistas spanning for miles over prairies as far as the eye can see.

Lope along sandy tracks and explore the area’s hidden gems too, in the uniquely-coloured bentonite mineral hills. Many riders say this area resembles the surface of the moon! Shell, Wyoming is also world-renowned for dinosaur fossils, so keep your eyes peeled for those…

For full-day trail rides, everyone heads up the spectacular Highway 14, navigating the heart-stopping switchbacks of the Shell Canyon. Close your eyes if you don’t like heights!

Full-day horse riding adventures in Wyoming will take you through high-elevation (well above 10,000ft!) pine and aspen forests, creeks, lakes and hidden canyons that are home to big predators, such as bears and mountain lions.

More epic views await… stop for lunch and gaze out over the prairies towards The Rockies and Yellowstone Park, a huge 140 miles away! Breathtaking.

Read more about some of the incredible trail rides at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch here.

Natural horsemanship in Wyoming

Many people are choosing natural horsemanship-focused ranch vacations, and The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch is known for their kind, caring, five-star treatment of their horses. If learning respectful horsemanship is your thing, then you’ve come to the right natural horsemanship ranch in Wyoming!

Natural horsemanship at The Hideout is known as ‘Authenti Horsemanship’, their special brand, which combines authentic respectful horsemanship with authentic, caring hospitality.

Marijn playing in liberty

Marijn holds a Parelli Level 4 certification, and loves ground work and playing in liberty with the horses.

Guests who are keen to learn Authentic Horsemanship can join her Authentic Horsemanship clinics and with Marijn’s help, in these horsemanship lessons you’ll really learn how to foster a calm and gentle horse-human relationship.

All the horses who pass the Authentic Horsemanship test are branded with The Hideout’s ‘AH’ logo and all trucks, entrances and many buildings around this natural horsemanship ranch carry this branding, too.

If you’d like to get involved with Authentic Horsemanship at The Hideout, they recommend reading up on natural horsemanship before you arrive so you have a good grasp before starting.

Cattle drives in Wyoming

Keen to don your Stetson and REALLY immerse in the ranching life? Yeehaw! Cattle work at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch is fun, they have a small herd of yearlings for y’all to round up over a large 250 acre pasture.

Take a break from the trails and learn low-stress stockmanship – how to move livestock in a low-stress way for both horse and cattle.

You’ll gather and bring in the cattle to the big arena where you can also have a go at low-stress team penning.

An incredible experience to put the Stetson on top of your Wyoming ranch vacation! 

The Hideout’s herd of Mustangs

At The Hideout you’ll most likely get to fulfill your dreams of ridin’ a real ‘wild’ Mustang! (It really doesn’t get more authentic than that, hey!)

The Hideout’s herd of Mustangs

In the US, wild Mustangs are sadly considered invasive pests and Mustangs rescued from the wild count for over a third of this Wyoming ranch’s horses.

Using Marijn’s Authentic Horsemanship techniques, these wild creatures are gentled, trained and live a life of safety at the ranch.

The Hideout’s Mustangs have even been featured in documentaries, and intermediate and advanced riders can ride out to the McCullough Peaks Wild Horse Range – an exciting experience guests say they love!

Each year brings more vulnerable Mustangs to the ranch and guests enjoy knowing they’re riding a horse that was born, bred and once wild on the plains. It’s truly the stuff of a Pullein-Thompson novel!

Why the Hideout’s horses are the happiest in Wyoming!

If the welfare of the horses on your horse riding holiday is of concern (as we also think it should be!), then you will have complete peace of mind on a horse riding vacation at The Hideout, Wyoming.

Rested horses: There are 100 horses to 25 guests, meaning horses are constantly switched out and rested after each ride. Guests say they love being able to try different horses across the week, win-win for all! No horse is used for more than 100 days over seven months and the ranch keeps a daily log of usage, care and issues.

Trailer space: The trailers taking guests and horses into the wilderness carry eight horses, but for the horses’ comfort, only six are loaded.

horses in the trailers

Smooth journeys: Michelin tires, among other quality brands, are used on the trucks and trailers, to assure a smooth voyage for the horses and guests..

Observing rider behavior: Each evening, wranglers feed back to Marijn about the day’s rides and convey any concerns.

Pastures green: The Hideout’s horses graze on shady, oasis-like pastures that are rotated every four days so the grass gets a break and horses frequent new grazing.

horses relaxing, sleeping, grazing

Health and hooves: Three farriers and three veterinarians regularly visit to check the herd, and there’s always one wrangler that’s experienced in vet service.

Guest ability: If guests want to go faster, but aren’t riding correctly in lower gaits, wranglers will consider the situation individually. Remember, guests ride the horse a couple of times a week, the horses work an entire season!

Mounting correctly: Mounting from a block, or rock on a trail is preferred, as it’s much kinder on the horse.

Meet The Hideout’s wranglers

Most of the eight full-time wranglers at The Hideout are female college graduates who’ve traveled extensively, and many former guests say they find them easygoing and relatable.

Friendly, fun, caring, hospitable and mature professionals with serious equestrian backgrounds, The Hideout’s wranglers will happily chat and get to know you on your rides.

happy wrangler

They’re also primed to take epic pictures and videos of guests on rides, so even if you’re on a solo ranch vacation, you’ll have super-cool candid snaps of you ridin’ the wilds of Wyoming!

Equipment and standards at The Hideout

Last but by no means least, on your ranch vacation to Wyoming, at The Hideout you can rest assured that the high quality and attention to detail extend to all equipment and cleanliness of the ranch.

When you’re not riding at The Hideout, head off and explore this guest ranch in Wyoming, and you may wander into the rather impressive tack room.

Again, with the horses’ and riders’ comfort and safety at the forefront, horse-lovers will delight in seeing all the tack is well maintained, with up-to-date saddles, bridles and high-quality saddle pads.

And you won’t have to worry about dehydrating, or where to put your phone when riding, as you get two water bottles and a saddle bag to use during your stay.

Everything is very clean: tack, rooms and trucks are cleaned weekly, and trailers are cleaned after every ride.

Tidy, clean and inviting areas of the ranch, tack room, stables if any etc

Shiny new cowboy boots will stay safe, too as any horse poop landing around the yards, arenas and pens is picked up immediately!

Guests also say they appreciate the Chevrolet pickups The Hideout uses to head off to trails further afield.

How lovely it is, feeling a little tired after a long, invigorating trail ride, to kick back in the cool, clean trucks, with plush leather interiors, all equipped with the latest safety features. All the comfort and luxury you need when heading off into the wilderness, or back from long scenic trail rides!

If you love the sound of a truly horse riding-focused, small-scale luxury ranch vacation in Wyoming, get in touch with us at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch today, we’ll help you plan your dream luxury riding ranch vacation

Written by Kate Hammaren Writing & Editing