What is “togethering?” Well, it is one of the most precious words and concepts these days for families who spend increasing amounts of time apart. Whether family members live across the country or world from each other or parents spend the week traveling for work and only see loved ones on weekends, many families are faced with having very little time to spend together. In fact, it’s fair to say that time is becoming the most precious resource available to families. Finding moments to spend together are dear and locations that foster a family environment are becoming even scarcer. It would seem that family vacations are the only blocks of time during the year where loved ones and relatives can indulge in “togethering.”

“Togethering” at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch

Where to go to spend quality time together, you ask? Not every hectic resort, hotel or cruise ship offers the right atmosphere for this. It’s necessary to have activities for everyone, parents and children alike, to take part in together – not separate facilities or programs where each age group breaks off to have individual experiences.

The right setting might be closer to home than you think. A family vacation at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch, a century-old, 300,000 acre working cattle, horse and riding guest ranch in rural Wyoming might just be the right place for your family to come together.

Nestled at the base of the Big Horn Mountains and the breathtaking Shell Canyon, The Hideout is remote; life moves at an entirely different pace from most people’s daily life. A vacation at The Hideout requires your family traveling together to one of the least densely populated states in the nation (save for Alaska.) Wyoming brings your family back to the way things were; much of the state remains unchanged from the way it was in the days of the Wild West.

“Togethering” at The Hideout Lodge & Guest Ranch

Like most great guest ranches, The Hideout is owned and operated by a family. This gives the ranch that special, comfortable feeling and you gain a sense of being at home. For activities, families indulge and learn together the ranching life as it used to be done; riding horseback with cowboys, moving cattle, trap shooting, fly fishing in creeks and lakes without another person in sight. The scenery at The Hideout will bring back memories of your favorite old Western movies with spectacular settings, great sunsets, breathtaking red rock scenery, high alpine forests, deep canyons and sagebrush deserts. You’ll learn to let go of the need to check e-mails, play electronic games and we think it’s a great thing that there is zero cell phone service here!

The Hideout is a safe place; there is no crime in this little town of 83 people. In the evening while the parents stay at the dinner table with other guests, the kids can go out and play games, sit a the campfire and hang out without any risk. By the end of the week, they will have replaced their favorite computer game with a favorite horse, their cell phone and texting with open verbal communication, and will be tired – not from a stressful week, but from taking part in so much healthy physical activity.

Come visit The Hideout for a week of family “togthering” – you will be surprised how much more you will learn about your own family members and loved ones after a week here!